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Project title in English: Advanced Traffic Management on E67 Transport Corridor
(abbreviation – SMART E67)

Project title in Latvian: Uzlabota satiksmes vadība E67 transporta koridorā
Project ID: CB 241

Efficient road network is a key to economic activity and mobility of people and goods. While basic road infrastructure (pavement) has been modernized on E67 transport corridor in Latvia and Estonia, traffic information systems to ensure efficient, environment friendly, safe passenger and cargo transport need considerable improvements.

The aim

SMART E67 project aims to increase efficiency and safety of passenger and cargo mobility in the Central Baltic region by introducing Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on E67 transport corridor – a key transport corridor in Estonia and Latvia (North-South direction). Implementation of the project in partnership between Latvian State Roads and Estonian Road Administration ensures that ITS elements are introduced in critical nodes of transport (8 in Latvia; 6 in Estonia) on the entire E67 transport corridor crossing Estonia (192 km) and Latvia (202 km). It facilitates joint technological approach to ITS and ensures seamless quality of transport information pattern in the entire transport corridor.

Introduction of ITS elements on E67 via pilot investments into development of adaptive traffic management-roadside variable message signs (VMS), road weather information systems (RWIS) and other equipment providing to traffic participants timely, efficient and accurate traffic information will result in a decrease of travel time of passengers and cargos by 0,57% if compared to the current travel time in this section.

The project fosters safety of passenger and cargo transport and diminish CO2 emissions due to timesavings of transport on road.

Introduction of ITS on E67 is the most feasible option to improve the efficiency of passenger and cargo transport in this corridor besides investment intensive infrastructure improvements. Project will approbate ITS-innovative approach widely exploited in EU, but insufficiently used in this region with a high multiplication potential.


The SMART E67 has been implemented in close cooperation between SJSC “Latvian State Roads” and Estonian Road Administration.


The project has been coo-financed by the Centralbaltic Cross-border cooperation programme 2014-2020. Total budget of the project was 2 457 499,40 EUR of which 2 088 874,49 EUR (85%) is Programme co-financing (ERDF) and 368 849,91 EUR (15%) is project partner co-financing. Total estimated budget of the Latvian State Roads (Lead Partner) was 1 412 250,79 EUR (100%) of which 1 201 688,17 EUR (85%) is Programme co-financing and 212 062,62 EUR (15%) is Latvian State Roads (public) co-financing.

Implementation period: 02.11.2015 – 31.10.2019

More information about results of the project is available in the project section in Latvian.

Useful information:

About Programme:
About Europe Union:

Project manager

Boriss Jeļisejevs
SJSC Latvian State Roads
Head of Traffic Information center